Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who I Want to Meet

My new niece, Brynn Emaline Hardin, was born last Thursday the 6th at 11:43, weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 20 inches long! It was so crazy to come home from work, being Friday here, and finding out. I was so thrilled to see the pictures online and get all the updates. I had my first Korean was a mix of being overjoyed that she was born, and heartache for not being able to meet her and be close to my family to celebrate with them. I am excited to get to see her on Skype soon! I admire Bryan and Faith so much as parents, and I'm excited that they have a new daughter!

Here she is...adroable Brynn-e

Peyton is going to be such a wonderful older sister!

Isn't Faith so beautiful? little and sweet.


Anonymous said...

we miss you and cant wait for you guys to meet, Love you guys and we will chat soon!!


Stephanie Steen said...

I'm so glad you're keeping a blog about your time in South Korea! It's fun to learn what it's been like so far for you and all the cultural adjustments. I'm glad to hear that everyone is so kind to you. It must make a big difference! We love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, what a beauty! Brynn should meet Wynn :)! Love you, Nattie Girl. You are missed!

Your Pal Mal

Faith said...

wish you could meet her too. miss you.