Wednesday, July 22, 2009

North Carolina & Family

Chadwick's parents flew us out to NC for 10 days last week.  We always love going, but this time was especially fun because it was a full house.  We got to spend time with his parents, two brothers, and our two nieces.  Our time was filled with relaxing, fun outings, farkel, super mario, basketball, and Diana's oh-so-delicious meals around the table.  Thanks Hamilton's for having us...we love you!

This is the please-don't-make-me-go-into-another-antique-store face.
Maddy with her Grandma
The brothers
The girls

We ate at Natty Green's downtown

Lots of yummy food


Faith said...

Miss you guys already. Hope your flight is going well. You should be on your way by now! Can't believe it. Looking forward to keeping up with you guys on your blogs and on facebook. Thank goodness for modern technology. We are also looking into skype since 3 of our 4 sisters live out of state/country and the 4th might be leaving in the fall! Love you guys. PS. What is Chadwick's blog address??