Friday, July 24, 2009

First Impressions

So this is our third day here in Korea.  Time is already moving fast.  The flight over was great, I filled it with lots of movies and video games, and the 13 hours went by faster than I thought it would.  (If anyone comes to visit, try to fly Singapore Air, it was magical).  I felt like a dork walking out in our matching school polos, but I was so excited, too.  Everything went smoothly through customs, and Joseph picked us up.  

For about an hour and a half I was gripping Chadwick’s hand until we reached our city, Seongnam.  Our driver was great, but everyone was going so fast and cuts in and feels so close (my car anxiety was all over the place.)  I instantly loved the city with colorful lights and lots of people walking around at night.  We drove a bit more to get to our neighborhood, Bokjeong Dong.  Joseph said he was taking us to our “studio” which made me nervous, because I was thinking I guess we’ll just get cozy if people visit.  So the guys drug our luggage to the fourth floor and opened up our apartment.  Although I got hit with hot stale air and a very unique smell...I absolutely loved it...and was thankful it had 2 bedrooms.  David came over to welcome us.  He gave us maps of the area, transit cards, calling cards, a bunch of food, and our social host phone numbers.  We were super tired and pretty much just fell asleep (on a rock hard bed).  

We woke up at 2:30 here and poked around, and then went out to explore our neighborhood.  It has an interesting feel to it, it’s like a tiny pocket of a big city.  There’s the apartment building section, and then in front there is a long street with lots of stores; small markets, a bakery, bars, lots of restaurants, game hubs.  It’s very quaint and not intimidating at all.  I was surprised to see how quiet it is and how many trees there are (and for Portlanders- RECYCLING!)  There is even a little park, but I guess we’re in a suburb, of a suburb of Seoul.  

Hardly anything is written in English, and when it is Chadwick and I are loving the translations.  I know there is a pretty big expat community in South Korea, but so far in our area we haven’t seen any signs of it.  It’s been so strange to have no clue what things say or what people are saying.  It’s sort of fun, like everything is a puzzle and we’re trying to figure out what things are.  When you’re in a crowd it's almost comforting it feels like a lullaby, and it’s like a game to try and figure out what people are saying to each other.  BUT-I’m hoping I can pick some up quickly because I’m embarrassed when I can’t communicate with someone. However, I’m seeing in that gap something beautiful in humanity...kindness.  We’ve been so impressed with how polite and helpful people are.  

Well, this has gotten quite long, so if you're still with me you're either a really close friend or my Mom (Hey, Mom!).  Here are some pictures of our new home, pretty much how we found it.  It’s fun to be in a modern looking apartment (Chadwick is especially loving the lack of “girly frills and antiques” that I usually surround him by.)

The frosted windows open up into the covered patios

I love these trees behind us
This is the back patio, it's super stinky
The washer, no one has dryers here, I guess that's what the patio is for

Ash, don't be jealous of my brick wall (it's paper)

I guess most Koreans don't get curtains and the water just goes all over the bathroom (there is a drain on the floor).  The wet floor drove me crazy, so we bought a shower curtain yesterday.


Brian said...

Hah! That's twice as much space and privacy as you've ever had before! Looks amazing, good work team.

Carol said...

Oh, it is so fun for me to see pictures of your new looks so clutter-free! Iam delighted! And the kitchen looks so great - and I'm sure that Chad will love cooking in it! Lot's of room! It will be fun to see if you decorate it with Korean decor...thanks for blogging...I love hearing about your time there and how things are progressing. Nice TV in the LR - how nice!
Miss you - LOVE YOU! Hugs. Mom

Faith said...

I will have you know that I read your ENTIRE description and loved it. Please, the more the better..makes me feel like I'm there (kind of) and so glad to see more pics of your place. It looks really nice. PS. I don't blame you at all for getting a shower curtain..that would drive me crazy too! Excited to see what you do with the place. Love you guys and thanks for posting so much already!

Tera said...

Love the brick wall even it's paper and the shower thing is just strange. Really they would just stand with nothing? I feel like it keeps it warmer. So weird to me! Natalie I just loved your blog entry. You are on such an adventure and all of us are going to live through you. So tons of pressue, you HAVE to keep blogging! I love Chad's face in the pic below about antique shopping. I know you will find just a couple to incorportate;) Love ya!

mom h said...

How wonderful to read all about your impressions! LOVE your place, you'll have fun decorating, makes me wish I were experiencing a new adventure. Love you guys so much, thanks for blogging!!! mom h

Josh & Tiffany said...

Looks like a nice place, glad to hear you are enjoying the city so far!

Aaron Stewart said...

I read it all. :)

Anonymous said...

it's mal's mom (wynn's grandma!) here... ben sent me your blog address and I am LOVING it! Brings back wonderful memories. My brother lived in Seongnam over 20 years ago and we stayed with him for several months for a three year period (we were stationed in okinawa, japan), as you wander the streets think of a 4, 5, 6 year old Mal skipping along! I'm sure there are a lot of changes, but no doubt the kimchee smell still hangs in the air! Enjoy every moment and keep blogging...feels like we're back there again!

Anonymous said...

The frosted windows in the bedroom look real nice, I have some like those in my bedroom and they really help me sleep a little longer. Perry Jamal frosted window film

nate said...

i want to go to there.