Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Weekend of Goodbyes

We were so thankful that we got to spend this past weekend with so many friends and family that we love.  On Saturday, I had brunch with the girls, we visited with Grandpa Hamilton, had dinner with Ash, Ezra, Ben, Mal and Wynn, and spent the night playing pool with friends.  We spent Sunday in Gresham visiting family...lunch at the Hardin Ranch, visited the Gadbaugh's in the afternoon, and had a burrito dinner with Bry, Faith, the kiddos, and Mom.  I already knew we were surrounded by people that amaze us and imprint so much on our lives.  I learned that those type of people are not easy to part with and I turn into a crier at goodbyes.

Here are a bunch of no particular order...

These girls mean so much to me
I just love this girl
Grandpa Hamilton

Faith, Brynn, Peyton, Luke, Bryan, Mom & us
We celebrated Baby Brynn & Chadwick's birthdays early
The Gadbaughs
Getting a peak at the Hardin's beautiful garden
Pool at Backstage 

Wynnie & Ezra
Good 'ol La Carreta
We love & will miss you all!


Carol said...

It was hard for me to see you say goodbye to your family...but I'm so glad you were able to spend time with the grandparents. LOVE YOU!

Faith said...

We love and miss you too. So happy for you guys to have this adventure!! So glad it's not permanent though...I hope!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, adorable grandparents!!!!

We sure do miss you both (has anyone mentioned that yet?)! I love these pics and I love you guys more. Please keep updating this. We would really enjoy seeing pics of your apartment or anything else you feel like posting.

Big hugs and kisses,
Mal, Ben and Wynn